This is a shout out to all you ladies! There are some excellent series being offered around town to enhance your life experience, making it easier to create the life that you want to lead. Sacred Streams if offering three series for women, young and old: the unique
Girl's Yoga series focuses on helping teenage girls feel confident and comfortable;
Kundalini Yoga for Women in Recovery is designed to aid women as they stop bad habits and create good ones;
Enhancing Fertility with Hatha Yoga has proven to help women wanting to get pregnant. Also, Kula Yoga is offering a
Parent/Infant series where the parent takes a yoga class while the infant is in his/her own class!
Click these links for details:
http://www.sacredstreamsyoga.com/ for Sacred Streams
http://www.austinkulayoga.com/ for Kula Yoga
Please share this information with any one you think could benefit. Thank you and Namaste.