Friday, January 25, 2013

Week one of the Detox

As we head into the weekend, I am wrapping up week one of the detox and I wanted to share some of my experience with y'all. Every week I will share my greatest challenge, revelation, and reward for the week during the 21 day detox. Even if you are not currently detoxing, you can gather some helpful hints about creating healthy habits in this blog.

The biggest challenge of my week was eliminating sugar from my diet. I was surprised at this because I do not particularly like sweets, but I found myself craving fruit treats and chocolate on the SECOND day! I withheld from fulfilling the craving and it went away by day four. So, this leads me to...

The biggest revelation of the week:  all cravings will pass with time.  If you are noticing a craving that is brought on by an addiction or an emotional attachment to a certain food, then have a cup of tea instead, drink it slowly, and once you finish the tea, the craving will likely be gone.

The biggest reward of the week is that I have so much more energy. I have been able to be more productive and my mind has felt sharper. Although you may not feel this way this week, higher energy and a sharper mind are common side effects the detox.

I will leave you with a recipe for brussels sprouts that I have used and enjoyed many times:

Brussels Sprouts with Pecans
Serves 6

3/4 cup pecans or walnuts, finely chopped
2 Tbsp. olive oil
2 lbs. brussels sprouts, cleaned and trimmed
4 Tbsp. olive oil

Cook the pecans over low heat in the olive oil until lightly browned, about 15 minutes.  Steam the brussels sprouts until tender and add to the pecans.  Heat through, stirring occasionally. Serve warm.

Enjoy the weekend!

Love and thanks always,


Monday, January 14, 2013

New Year Detox and Yoga Series

With the beginning of a new year, comes a natural tendency towards renewal and resolution. For this very reason, I am offering my community of students a Detox Yoga Series on Saturday mornings at Pure Light Chiropractic for a discounted rate of $70. The classes will begin this Saturday, January 19th at 10:30am and continue every Saturday through February 9th.  

As I am teaching this series, I will be participating in a community wide detox based on Dr. Joshi's Holistic Detox. On Wednesday, January 16th at 6pm, Dr. Laine Morales and I are hosting a free New Year's Detox Class at Pure Light for anyone who wants information on this safe and accessible detox plan. If you would like to join in on the community wide detox or the yoga series (or both!)  please let me know.  This way I can save a spot for you in the yoga class and add you to the email list.  I will be sending out an email each week of the detox to stay connected with everyone and encourage commitment and self love.

Love always,
