Just 4 more days of Yoga yoga's 40 Day Challenge and I am feeling good. I did have slight set back with an injury, but I am feeling much better. Here is my journal entry for the week:
This past, week my practice took a turn after an injury on Tuesday evening. Usually, I have a challenging asana practice and a short pranayama session for my daily practice. However, Tuesday evening, after a great practice, I was getting up off of the floor and heard a distinct pop. My pubic symphysis had moved out of alignment. I have had problems in the past with this area of my body and after my chiropractor corrected the misalignment, I felt much better but my hips were very sore. The next morning, I began my practice again with gentle hip and leg stretches and continued to slowly open my hips by modifying postures: Downward Dog with bent knees, short stance Warrior I with hands on hips. I found that by softening my asana practice over the next few days, ease came back into my hips and the joint re-stabilized. I am gradually working more challenging postures back into my practice, using my breath and intuition as a guide to safely return to my usual asana practice.