This month I am marking February as the month of love by planning every class as a Heart Centered practice. A Heart Centered practice focuses on the back bending series of postures: Locust Pose-Salabhasana, Bridge Pose-Setu Bandhasana, Camel Pose-Ustrasana, and so on. Back bends warm the body and uplift the soul. In the words of Donna Farhi,"With their emphasis on opening the heart, lungs, and chest, back bends exhilarate, bringing a sense of lightness and vitality that wards off even the most tenacious lethargy or depression." A Heart Centered practice during this cold and rainy month, will help keep your spirits lifted and your energy high.
There are also a number of February specials around town:
Sacred Streams is having a Share the Love special, so you can bring a friend to class with you for only $1 and introduce them to yoga!
Also, Lauren is teaching a Valentine's Day workshop for couples including yoga and partner massage:)
Yoga Yoga is offering a sweet spa package for your Valentine which includes a body treatment and facial for a low $149.00!
Bodhi Yoga is having a Thai Massage and Partner Yoga workshop with Gioconda on Saturday, Feb. 13th, if you cannot make Lauren's partner workshop on Sunday.
Links to the studios' websites are in the side bar for more information:)
I hope to see you all this month. Come and warm your heart!-SR